Our story begins with The Learning Community Charter School, a public charter school that serves grades 6 - 12, wanting to offer a Microsoft Office class as a way to fulfill the technology requirement that the school had tasked for itself.
As it turns out, one of the Math Teachers at the school is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, and so was approached to teaching the Microsoft Office suite next year.
The teacher agreed, but asked instead to teach the Google suite of free software technology instead. To the teacher's surprise, the school accepted, and an idea was born.
Our story begins with NMSTARG , a group out of New Mexico that researches application used for technology involving space, wanting to find a way to give back to the community. The space-based company uses Google Technology for their website, and other Apps.
As it turns out, the astronautics and mathematics used for their space program was a perfect fit as High School Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) projects. The best part is that these projects would cost no money to the school, other than